This website was recently migrated to a new, dynamic web platform. We are in the process of acquiring new photos and editing old photos, all from the family archives of Eric Berne. Photos and other Eric Berne memorabilia will be placed here as they are digitized.
Eric Berne Photographs

This photograph shows Lieutenant Dr. Eric Berne with his first wife Ruth Elinor Berne (born Ruth Harvey) with daughter Ellen Berne and dog Janie in Spokane, Washington, 1943. The family had just left the Norwalk, CT area where Berne had been doing his Psychiatry residency at Yale University. At this point Ellen was approximately 12 months old.
This photograph was in the collection of Ruth Manning (Eric’s first wife who had remarried and changed her name). It was uncovered after she passed away in 2006. Clicking on the picture will yield a high resolution.
This photograph is of Eric Berne and his first wife Ruth Harvey on their wedding on October 24, 1942. She wore black due to a previous marriage. This photograph was featured in the Jorgensen biography of Eric Berne so it has been widely circulated previously.
This picture was acquired from Ruth Manning (Eric’s first wife who had remarried and changed her name) and daughter Ellen Berne. Clicking on the picture will yield a high resolution copy.
This photograph is of the young Lieutenant Eric Berne. Note that at this point he had already changed his last name from Bernstein to Berne. The exact date is unknown but it was from when he first entered the Army in 1943 as First Lieutenant. Berne left the Army in 1946 with a rank of Major.
This photograph was obtained from Eric’s stepdaughter Janice. It is from her private collection of hundreds of photographs related to Eric Berne. Clicking on the picture will yield a high resolution copy.
This photograph is the location in Montreal where Eric Berne’s childhood home used to be. Eric’s childhood home was at 73 Rue Sainte Famille. The building is no longer there; instead there is a parking lot. You can make out the street sign to see the Rue Sainte Famille.
This picture was taken in August 2010 at the Eric Berne Centenary Conference in Montreal, Canada. A tour was conducted to see the sights of Montreal where Eric Berne had grown up. Clicking on the picture will yield a high resolution copy.
This photograph is of Dr. David Hillel Bernstein, Eric Berne’s father. Dr. Bernstein was a general practitioner in Montreal. He died at age 38 of tuberculosis in Eric’s hometown of Montreal, Canada.
This photograph comes from the private collection of Eric Berne’s family. It was provided to the Jorgensens and is featured in their biography of Eric Berne so this picture has been seen before. The original image originated from Eric’s daughter Ellen Berne.
This is a new release from the Eric Berne Family Archive. It is a scanned copy of Eric’s original certificate of Fellowship status from the American Psychiatric Association. It is dated May 19, 1949. Clicking on the image will yield a high resolution copy. The original certificate was in the possession of Eric’s only blood daughter Ellen Berne who gave it to her son, Eric’s only blood grandson.
Eric Berne in a 1967 press photograph. This was for a 1967 television special on Games People Play. It was released as part of the promotion of this TV special. This photograph with its high resolution is very rare. Clicking on it will yield a high resolution version.

The location and date of this photograph is unknown. It was acquired from an anonymous source. It is presumed to be in the 1950s due to the appearance of Eric. Please contact me at [email protected] if you know any details on this photograph. Clicking on it will yield a slightly higher resolution.
This photograph shows Eric Berne and Viola Callahan. Viola was affiliated with the TA movement from the very beginning. She was the first secretary to the San Francisco seminar group. Note that in the Stewart biography of Eric Berne, she is called “Viola Litt Callaghan.” The photographer is unknown; the photograph was provided to Eric Berne’s family from Dr. Claude Steiner. The watermark was placed in order to protect the original copyright holder. Contact us at [email protected] if you have additional information on this photograph. Clicking on it will yield a higher resolution copy.

This is a photograph of a letter that Dr. Eric Berne sent to his mother in July 1946 announcing the opening of his office in Carmel. Berne had just finished up in the Army and had chosen to live in Carmel. Berne was also beginning to practice in San Francisco as well.Note that he has shortened his mother’s last name from Bernstein to Berne. At this point Eric’s mother was no longer living in Montreal and was living in New York City. This was taken directly from the family archives. Clicking on it will yield a high resolution copy.

Eric Berne at dinner with his second wife and 4 guests. Date and location are unknown, as well as the identity of the guests. Date is believed to be late 1940s. Please email to [email protected] if anyone has information on the location or guests. This was taken directly from the family archives, courtesy of Eric’s step-daughter Janice. Clicking on the picture will yield a high resolution copy.
Eric Berne in New York City in 1937. At this point his last name was still Bernstein and he was called Eric Lennard Bernstein. The woman to Eric’s right is his mother Sara Gordon Bernstein and the woman to his left is his sister Grace. Clicking on the picture will yield a high resolution copy.
The photograph is courtesy of Judy King, the granddaughter of a medical school classmate of Eric Berne.
This is another previously unreleased photo of Eric Berne from the family archives, courtesy of Eric’s stepdaughter Janice. It is presumed to be in the 1960s. Eric is standing outside dressed in a suit, holding his pipe in his left hand.
Clicking on the picture will yield a high resolution copy.
Eric Berne at a poker table holding poker chips in the late 1960s. This photograph was used in the 1970 Life Magazine review of Sex in Human Loving.

This photograph is from the 8th Annual ITAA Summer Conference held in Monterey, CA in August 1970. This was approximately one month after Eric’s unexpected death.
The individuals (from left to right) are: Ellen Berne (Eric’s only blood daughter – she was 25 at the time), David Kupfer, Franklin Ernst, Viola Callaghan, Ken Everts, and Claude Steiner. Photographer is unknown. Click on the picture for a larger version showing all the attendees.