Muriel James
Dr. Muriel James is the author of the bestseller Born to Win: Transactional Analysis With Gestalt Experiments , the 1971 bestseller based upon the ideas of Transactional Analysis of Dr. Eric Berne. Dr. Muriel James earned a doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley. During her time in California, Dr. James became a student of Dr. Berne, learning his theories of Transactional Analysis and games, as seen in Berne’s Games People Play. She became an early member of the International Transactional Analysis Association.
James published Born to Win: Transactional Analysis With Gestalt Experiments in 1971. Dr. James begins the book by defining Winners and Losers, and then presents to the reader two approaches to become a winner: Transactional Analysis and Gestalt Therapy. Included in the book are several Gestalt exercises on which to practice. Born to Win continues to sell briskly, along with its predecessors Games People Play by Eric Berne and I’m OK – You’re OK by Dr. Thomas Harris.
Dr. James is still active within the Transactional Analysis community. She is a licensed marriage and family counselor and is an internationally known conference speaker. She speaks to many audiences, including the United Nations staff in Bangkok, the American Medical Association, the U. S. Navy Chaplains, and many other universities, corporations, and professional and lay groups throughout the world. In addition, she was also an advisor to the California Commission on the Status of Women. She was also a past-president of International Transactional Analysis Association, the professional association on Transactional Analysis founded by Dr. Eric Berne.
In addition to Born to Win, Dr. Muriel James has published sixteen other books, including Breaking Free, Hearts on Fire, The Better Boss in Multicultural Organizations and Passion for Life: Psychology and the Human Spirit. Her books have been translated into over 26 languages.
Bibliography of Muriel James
Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1971). Available on Amazon.
Winning with People: Group Exercises in Transactional Analysis (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1973).
Born to Love: Transactional Analysis in the Church (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1973).
What Do You Do With Them Now That You’ve Got Them? (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1974).
The Power at the Bottom of the Well (Harper & Row, 1974).
The OK Boss (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1975).
The People Book: Transactional Analysis for Students (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1975).
The Heart of Friendship (Harper and Row, 1976).
Techniques in Psychotherapy for Psychotherapists and Counselors (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1977)
A New Self: Self Therapy with Transactional Analysis (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1977).
Marriage is for Loving (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1979).
Breaking Free: Self-reparenting for a New Life (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1988).
Winning Ways in Health Care (Addision-Wesley Pub. 1981).
The Better Boss in Multicultural Organizations (Marshall Publishing, 1991).
Passion for Life: Psychology and the Human Spirit (NAL/Dutton, 1991).
Perspectives in Transactional Analysis (TA Press, 1998).
It’s Never Too Late To Be Happy: Re-parenting Yourself for Happiness (Quill Drive Press, 2002).